Wheaten Marans
~ Dark Brown
Cock .... 8 pounds
Cockerel ... 7 pounds
Hens .... 6.5 pounds
Pullets .... 5.5 pounds
I decided I really liked my Black Copper Marans rooster. I wanted to get more Marans, but wanted to work with something not too common in my area. I did so research and fell in love with the Wheaten Marans. Since I want to breed really nice birds and not just have some dark eggs to sell, I looked to find breeders that bred birds to the standard and also did well in shows.
We obtained eggs from two different breeders. I was a bit disappointed in the first group we got and took time to find a quality breeder for our second group. We did not have to look far and found a breeder here in Texas breeding quality Marans. We obtained our stock from Marans Unlimited that has great birds that do well in the shows.
It takes some time to grow these birds out and in 2019 are growing out the offspring of our breeders. At this time we are waiting to see the finished birds as well as their egg colors.
Wheaten Marans Photo Gallery
Wheaten Marans

Mature hens are big beautiful birds. With their coloring they are pure eye candy in a flock. The girls are steady and calm and have been good producers.

Stunning Roosters
Roosters are huge and beautiful. They are good with their flocks and even with littles I grow out in their pens. We expect good temperaments as well.

Wheatens take a very long time to mature and go through quite the awkward stage. Given time these ugly duckling mature into big beautiful swans.

Dark Eggs
Our eggs are registering 4-5 on the Marans egg color chart. We are hoping to improve this as we work the breed.